Friday, September 10, 2010

New blog!

Yes, I've just now got started and... I'm moving!

Using the same host as my writing group: Some Write it Hot

My new blog page is now EllieWrites2 on wordpress.

See you there!
Today's the day....
I'm the topic of conversation over at
Some Write it Hot !

Ali Katz says:

Apart from the fact she’s a busy lady with three school age children, I suspect the only reason Ellie’s not published is she’s a little shy about submitting her work. One of the things we, as a group, try to do is help each other past those initial hurdles. Ellie’s conquered the biggest of them; she’s already finished two novels and several short stories. Maybe she needs a little push to get that manuscript ready and hit submit. Care to help?

So, go! Let me know!

Friday, September 3, 2010

The introductions to the members of my writing group, ERA, continues!

Ash Penn, a dedicated writer and newly published is up today over at Some Write it Hot.

Go take a look!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

My buddy Amber Green is up at ERA

Of all my friends at ERA, Amber Green is probably my closest buddy. I simply adore her stories, her sense of humor and sharp wit.

The fact that she's a sucker for four legged creatures doesn't hurt either.

She is featured today at the ERA blog, Some Write it Hot.

Hope you head on over!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


My writing group - Erotic Romance Authors or ERA - now has

(drum roll please.....)

A live blog. Some Write it Hot!

And the first author interviewed is... Ali Katz.

She's written some great pieces including one of my favorite non-regency historical romances Damon's Price.

Check out the Some Write it Hot blog here.

Rumor has it there'll be a little something about me around mid-month.